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Walking With Jesus

Search by Name

Name a place and we'll tell you if there's a Seventh-day Adventist church there. Do a distance search to see how far it is.

When you go to the Church Finder just enter the name of a town or city (e.g., Phoenix). This will give you a list of churches which contain that word in their name. This is just a name search

If you need more options, first open the church finder (above) and then select either Distance Search or Advanced Search.

Distance Search allows you to specify how far you're willing to drive from a reference location that you select.

Advanced Search allows you to indicate a church name, city, state, zip code, or pastor, and it allows you to search for Seventh-day Adventist institutions other than churches.

Experiment a little. You'll soon see how the software works.

Inquire by Phone

Locate a church: 1-800-SDA-PLUS